Anyone who has grown up and gone through elementary, middle, and even high school knows that being different can be difficult at times. Whether that be emotionally different, mentally, or physically - standing out from everyone else can be scary and can make even the toughest of us feel insecure. Now imagine going through that same school experience but with a physical handicap. How much does that intensify the feeling of being different or weird?

For thousands of children who are limb-different from either birth or something that happens to them, this is daily life. But what if you could help them to see their disability as less an identifier and more something that empowers them - and all the while help create for them something that helps them overcome that physical handicap? That's the exact same idea that Aaron Brown had.

After losing his job when the factory he had been working at closed, Aaron started thinking about what was next for him and his family. He began researching the rapid development of 3D printing and took the bold leap to start his own 3D printing company. It wasn't long after this when he discovered ROBO 3D printing and a non-profit group called e-Nable. 

e-Nable is a group of printers and developers who create and donate their prosthetic arms to children around the world who are limb-different. Through the printers provided to Aaron by ROBO 3D Printing, Aaron began working on developing his own e-Nable products to help change the lives of families all around the world as well, but also those here in our own community.

Through the innovation and power of 3D printing companies like ROBO, and open source movement groups such as e-Nable, people like Aaron are helping kids to feel empowered and excited about standing out amongst the crowd. This is Aaron's story - leading the way for a more empowered future for our kids.
